Hartt Community School Honors Artist Competition Winners
The Musical Club of Hartford co-sponsors the annual Hartt Honors Competition. Winners of the 2020-2021 competition will perform for us today. You will be amazed at the talent possessed by these serious young musicians!
Honors is a longstanding Hartt Community tradition celebrating the individual accomplishments of students within each department of Hartt Community Division. Last year was no exception. An unprecedented year called for an innovative, school-wide, and inclusive opportunity. The Hartt Honors Artist Competitions (junior and senior) were populated by students of varying instruments/voice from across the school and the Greater Hartford area, creating a Hartt Honors program like never before. Dozens of tiered scholarships ranging from honorable mention to full-tuition were awarded. These were made possible by the generous support of The Musical Club of Hartford, as well from other donors.
At this virtual recital we will enjoy the pre-recorded musical offerings of the students who were awarded top-prizes in Guitar, Piano, Voice, Winds/Brass/Percussion, and Strings. Our hostess and guide will be Michelle Fiertek, Interim Executive Director, The Hartt School Community Division.
You can watch a recording of this event below: