Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon - May 3, 2018
Musical Club finishes off its 127th season with the Club’s Annual Luncheon. Following a business meeting, we’ll hear the MuUyas String Trio. You may remember the very enjoyable pieces played by this trio (Yu-Hao [Howard] Chang, violin, Po-Chun [Gene] Chen, viola, and Wen-Hsuan [Vivian] Su, cello) at the Musical Club’s November 2 program. All trio members are pursuing their Doctorate of Musical Arts Degree at the Hartt School.
Please plan to attend our end-of-year event. You’ll find out what we’ve accomplished this year, learn details about next year’s programs, elect Executive Board officers, greet your friends, hear the MuUyas String Trio, and enjoy lunch with fellow club members.
A menu and detailed program, including the slate of officers to be voted on at the business meeting, are included on a separate page at the end of this Bulletin. You can make your reservation at the April 12, 19, or 26 program meetings, or by mail to co-Treasurer Anita Wilson. The reservation deadline is Friday, April 27.