
Musical Club of Hartford

El Sistéma and Hartford - Feb 18, 2016

On February 18, 2016, the Musical Club of Hartford will present an unusual program in its Musical Exploration series. The November 12, 2015 Exploration looked at the 125-year history of the Club itself. February's Exploration will look ahead to the musical life of Hartford in coming generations.

Much has been written and discussed about El Sistéma, the revolutionary approach to music education developed by José Antonio Abreu and actually implemented by the government of Venezuela. We will view one or more film clips showing how "the system" has worked in Venezuela.

Several experts will be on hand to talk about their own experience with "the system" right here in Connecticut. Speakers include:

Panelists will discuss the pros and cons of El Sistéma and its applicability locally. Expect to be entertained, informed, and challenged!

Note that this event will take place, not in the Sanctuary, but in Fellowship Hall.