Mid-Year Meeting and Reception: The Musical Club in 2020 and Beyond
On February 4, 2016, from 10:15-11:15 a.m., the Musical Club will hold its Mid-Year Meeting and Reception, on the theme, "Musical Club in 2020 and Beyond". The meeting will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in the Fireside Room. Plan to come at 10:00 a.m. to socialize with fellow members over a cup of coffee/tea and a plate of fruit and pastries, and then to participate in an Open Forum with members of the Executive Board and Committee Chairs. We will address your thoughts, ideas, questions, and suggestions for the Club in the years ahead. No business reports this time! - just some lively discussion.
Please sign up by Feb. 1 for this meeting so we can plan ahead for refreshments. There will be a signup sheet at the Jan. 14 and Jan. 28 Member Programs, or you can email or call Anita Wilson
(anita.wilson[at]snet.net or 860-667-2641) or Michelle Duffy (miduffy[at]comcast.net or 860-233-8486) to have your name added to the list.
President Linda MacGougan would like to have your questions/suggestions for discussion ahead of
time. Please send to macgougans[at]gmail.com or hand them to her at one of our January programs.